Saturday, March 12, 2011


There comes a time when one must look inside, dig it out, cry over it, dust oneself off, and walk on.
"My legs are strong, I will carry on..."
Everything I have done has made me who I am. The good, the bad, the fuckin ugly. So be it. I can't shake the guilt; it clings to me like filth...might as well savour it, educate myself and those around me, of the joys of light and dark.
Part of me fights it, the other embraces it. Is it right to do both? To relish in the dark,dim corners of life, watching and waiting, and wondering what's next...only to jump out into the light, blinded by the obscenity of life and all it's unabashed colours!? Is it foolish to think that everything does happen for a reason and that one must scrape the bottom of the barrel to feel the joy of triumph?
Turn the leaf over, gasp at the glory of the simple form, the wonderous beauty we call our all its crazy, purple, pure, ugly state.
It's all we got.


Just because life is short-lived, long-lived, once-in-a-lifetime, blah blah...doesn't mean we all get it. It doesn't mean we all know appreciation of the little things, of the current state, the past lessons, the future goals, are even significant.
Profoundly, it's in retrospect we all seem to 'learn'.